
Use alerts to monitor metrics, records and process values. An alert can be set to notify one or more dashboard users when a defined threshold is met or exceeded.

These alerts are different from data load alerts configured in the Admin Console application (emails that you specify for sending data load alerts).

Thresholds can also test a metric value against another metric by an amount of a percent (if the Revenue metric falls below the Forecast metric by 10% or more).

Users define their own alerts. Alerts can be targeted by role or by email address, and the system tracks an alert until someone declares it as resolved. An alert can have an escalation time set, and if the alert is not resolved within that time, it is escalated to a different recipient. Alerts are put in a recipient’s inbox.

To enable alerts, the Dashboard Designer must include two alert components in a dashboard. One supports defining new alerts. The other can display a list of active alerts. See Alerts Grid and Alert Messages Grid.