Comb edit mode operations

Define evenly distributed cells

Click the Define evenly distributed cells button to bring up a dialog where you can define the original number of comb cells. You can set a higher or a lower cell number and specify the gap size between each cell in pixels.

In case LFR cannot detect the comb cells, detect them incorrectly or the user-drawn comb cells are not detected yet, you can specify the cell number and the gap size manually. When setting the cell number and gap size manually, the active comb zone becomes grayed out and the cell position dynamically changes to reflect user-input. Thus, it is easy to see when to stop modifying the cell numbers (Figure 26).

Figure 1. Evenly distributed cells
Defining evenly distributed cells

Draw cell

Click the Draw cell button to draw a new cell within the selected comb zone. This is only possible if there is some free space between two comb cells. It can happen due to either inaccurate recognition result, when the FTE cannot clearly identify comb cells because of poor printing quality on original template image, or due to intentional deletion of comb cells by the user. In either case, the fillable space is marked with white color, see Figure 2.

Figure 2. Missing comb cell
Deleted or missing comb cell

When you click the Draw cell button, the cursor changes to a cross. Start drawing the new comb cell while keeping the left mouse button pressed. You can start drawing from outside of the selected comb zone as well.

You can draw another new cell to the remaining free space.

Split cell

Click the Split cell button to split an existing comb cell into two separate cells. When you click the Split cell button, the cursor can have two different states:

Table 1. Cursor types
Icon Name Description
Split cell icon Split cell Cursor is inside of cell are.
Split cell invalid area icon Split cell invalid area Cursor is outside of cell area.

Move the cursor to a valid cell area to perform cell splitting, otherwise the resulting cell widths would be smaller than the minimum allowed size.


Use Select tool to select, move, or resize a cell. The cursor has different types according to the operation.

Table 2. Cursor types
Icon Description
Select cell icon Select a cell
Move cell icon Move a cell
Resize cell icon Resize a cell

Merge cells

Click the Merge cells button to merge the selected cells into one cell. This button becomes active if two or more adjacent cells are selected. Figure 3 represents the before and after states of cell merging.

Figure 3. Cell merging
Before and after states of cell merging

Extract comb

Click the Extract comb button to create a new comb from a continuous cell selection. Figure 4 represents the before and after states of comb extraction.

Figure 4. Comb extraction
Before and after states of comb extraction

Merge combs

Click the Merge combs button to merge two or more combs into one. This operation can only be performed after you leave comb edit mode by clicking the Leave Comb edit mode button. Figure 30 represents the before and after states of comb merging.

Figure 5. Comb merging
Before and after states of comb merging