Zone selections tab


Table 1. Select tab
All anchors Selects all anchor types: four text anchors and four barcode anchors.
All fields Selects all fillable fields: fill text zones, fillable barcode zones, checkboxes and combs.
Anchor type Selects referenced anchors of the selected fillable field zones.
Referenced fields Selects fillable field zones that reference the selected reference anchors. Enabled only if at least one reference anchor is selected and no anchor of a different type is selected.
Invert selection Selects unselected zones and unselects the selected ones.
By name Type in an existing zone name or a name pattern with wildcards and click ...Go! to make the zones that match the name or name pattern selected.


Table 2. Reorder tab
By rows Sets the reading order of the selected zones by rows.
By columns Ssets the reading order of the selected zones by columns.
Left to right Sets zone reading order to left to right.
Top to bottom Sets zone reading order to top to bottom.
Reverse order Reverses the reading order of the selected zones.

You can also check it on the image by selecting a zone and pressing the tab key repeatedly:

Figure 1. Reading order by rows
Reading order by rows
Figure 2. Reading order by columns
Reading order by columns
Figure 3. Reading order left to right
Reading order left to right
Figure 4. Reading order top to bottom
Reading order top to bottom

Rename to

This tool is used for renaming several zones that have an incrementing number.

Table 3. Rename tab
To Name of the zones, use # symbol at the end of the name as placeholder for the numbers.
Start numbering at The starting number included in the new zone names