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Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus Namespace

Public classAssemblyDirectory
Public classBackgroundZone
A single zone or a collection of zones created during the preprocessing Load and Scan processes that the OCR Engine senses as possible area(s) for recognition.
Public classBackgroundZones
Collection of BackgroundZone objects.
Public classBarcodeType
The BarcodeType object contains information about the particular bar code type.
Public classBarcodeTypes
The BarcodeTypes collection is a sorted set of BarcodeType objects. Each element represents a recognizable bar code type.
Public classCharacter
The Character object provides information about a single recognized character, such as the character code, coordinates of the character on the image, confidence information etc.
Public classCharacters
The Characters collection is a sorted set of Character objects, where each element represents a single character in the recognition result.
Public classConverter
The Converter object provides properties and methods to customize the layout of the output files created by the Document and Page objects' ConvertResult method.
Public classConverterEnumValue
This object represents an enum value of a ConverterEnumValues collection.
Public classConverterEnumValues
This collection contains the available enum values of a ConverterProperty object.
Public classConverterProperty
This object represents a single converter setting.
Public classConverters
The Converters collection is a sorted set of output Converter objects.
Public classDocument
The Document object represents an IPRO document which encapsulates the data and the parameters required during OCR-related procedures.
Public classDocumentClassifierClass
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classDocumentClassifierDocument
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classDocumentClassifierProject
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classDocumentClassifierProjects
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classDocuments
The Documents collection is a sorted set of Document objects, where each element represents a document handled by the Engine.
Public classEngine
Returns the Engine object.
Public classFindTextPosition
Special constants that can be used in the Document object's GetFindText method.
Public classFormTemplate
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classFormTemplateLibraries
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classFormTemplateLibrary
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classImage
This property returns the image.
Public classImageFile
The ImageFile object represents an image file in the file system.
Public classImageFiles
This property returns the ImageFiles collection, which enumerates the set of images loaded from physical files, in order to apply image transformation and manipulation algorithms.
Public classImageInfo
This property returns a reference to the ImageInfo object which contains information about the image.
Public classIproPlusClass
Public classIproPlusContext
Public classLink
The role of the Link object is to provide workflows with loading sources and saving targets that are not present on the local computer.
Public classLinks
This method returns the links collection.
Public classMatchingFormTemplate
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classMatchingFormTemplates
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classMemoryBitmap
The MemoryBitmap object represents an image stored in the memory.
Public classMemoryBitmaps
This property returns the MemoryBitmaps collection, which enumerates the set of bitmaps stored in the memory.
Public classModuleInfo
The ModuleInfo object contains information about a specific module of the Engine.
Public classModuleInfos
This property returns the ModuleInfos collection, which contains information about the available modules in the current engine configuration.
Public classOCRZone
The OCRZone object contains information about a specific OCR zone on a page.
Public classOCRZones
This property returns the collection of zones, which were created by the engine during zone location.
Public classPage
Specifies the index of the page that contains the found text.
Public classPages
This property returns the Pages collection, containing the document Page objects.
Public classRecognitionLanguage
The RecognitionLanguage object contains information about a given recognition language.
Public classRecognitionLanguages
This property returns the collection of available recognition languages that can be switched on/off independently.
Public classRemovedLine
The RemovedLine object represents a line that was removed from the BW version of the original image. This object provides access to the position and orientation of the line.
Public classRemovedLines
The RemovedLines collection is a set of RemovedLine objects representing the lines that were removed from the related BW image. The RemoveLines method of the Page object returns this collection.
Public classScanner
Scanner objects represent a physical scanner.
Public classScanners
This property returns the Scanners collection of the engine, which enumerates all available scanners. If the Engine is not initialized, accessing this property raises a trappable error.
Public classSearchText
The role of the SearchText object is to support parameterized text searches (such as finding whole words only, searching with case matching, searching from the beginning or the end of the document etc.), navigating through results and processing them using the text marking and redaction facilities.
Public classSettingManager
This property returns the SettingManager object, which allows you to manage your application-specific settings together with the Engine settings in a thread-safe manner.
Public classSettingNode
The SettingNode object provides access to a particular node and its setting if it exists.
Public classSpellLanguage
Use this property to get or set the spelling language for document level spell checking.
Public classSpellLanguages
This property returns the SpellLanguages collection, which enumerates the Spelling languages available in the current engine configuration, i.e. those for which a Language dictionary is installed and present in the engine binary directory.
Public classStatistics
This property returns the Statistics object of the document.
Public classTableCell
The TableCell object represents a single cell in a table.
Public classTableCells
This method returns the collection of TableCell objects for a WT_TABLE zone.
Public classUDItem
The UDItem object contains information about a specific item associated with a particular User Dictionary. See UDSection.
Public classUDItems
This property returns the UDItems collection of the UDSection object.
Public classUDManager
This property returns the UDManager object, used to maintain user dictionaries.
Public classUDSection
The UDSection object represents a user dictionary section.
Public classUDSections
This property returns the UDSections collection of the active user dictionary.
Public classUILanguage
The UILanguage object contains information about a specific Visual Toolbox User Interface language.
Public classUILanguages
This property returns the UILanguages collection, which enumerates the available Visual Toolbox User Interface languages.
Public classUserZone
The UserZone object contains information about a particular user zone on the page.
Public classUserZones
This property returns the collection of zones created by the user. These will be used during recognition.
Public classVerticalDictionaries
This property returns the collection of available vertical (professional) dictionaries.
Public classVerticalDictionary
The VerticalDictionary object contains the name and description of one vertical dictionary.
Public classWFDescInfo
Use this property to acquire the workflow static information provider interface.
Public classWFHandler
This property returns the workflow handler interface.
Public classWFHOption
This property returns the list of available workflow handler options.
Public classWFInfoTag
Info tags are generated during workflow execution, they have three types: info, error and warning. Each tag describes a occured event in detail. Errors resulting during workflow execution can be detected by these info tags.
Public classWFInfoTags
Use this method to regulate how the workflow steps communicate with the user during processing.
Public classWFObject
This property returns a specific workflow object.
Public classWFObjectCLSIDs
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classWFObjectParameters
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classWFObjects
Use this method to return the object collection of a specific workflow.
Public classWFProcInfo
Use this property to acquire the workflow dynamic / runtime information provider interface.
Public classWFProgress
Object without methods, can only fire events from workflow progress.
Public classWFStep
This property returns a specific workflow step.
Public classWFStepCLSIDs
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public classWFStepFlag
Workflow step flags.
Public classWFStepParameters
In IPRO, you can set workflow step parameters.
Public classWFSteps
Use this method to return the step collection of a specific workflow.
Public structureDCATTRIBUTE
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public structureDCMETAWORD
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public structureDCNGRAM
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
This structure provides information on the text found and its environment. The FindTextContext structure is filled by the Text method of the SearchText object.
Public structureIPROCHARACTER
This is a recognized data structure.
Public structureIPROFRAME
This structure represents a bordered box or a rectangular frame together with its visual properties as detected during recognition.
Public structureIPROPOINT
This structure represents an image pixel coordinate.
Public structureIPRORECT
This structure represents a rectangle with the top-left corner and its dimensions.
Public structureIPROSIZE
This structure represents a size, usually the size of a rectangle.
Public structurePREPROCINFO
Structure describing the result of preprocessing. See ImagePreprocess and PreprocessInfo.
Page sizes supported by the scanner.See SupportedPapers.
Public structureWFPARAMETER
Returns all named parameters of a step. See Parameters.
Public delegateConvertersConverterAddedHandler
Public delegateConvertersConverterRemovedHandler
Public delegateDocumentCanContinueHandler
Public delegateDocumentCheckHandler
Public delegateDocumentDocumentClosedHandler
Public delegateDocumentDocumentLoadedHandler
Public delegateDocumentDocumentSavedHandler
Public delegateDocumentStatisticsChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentThumbnailsChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentTitleChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentZoningSettingsChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierClassDocumentAddedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierClassDocumentRemovedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectClassAddedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectClassificationReadyHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectClassNameChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectClassRemovedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectProgressHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectProjectTrainedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectsProjectAddedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectsProjectNameChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentClassifierProjectsProjectRemovedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsDocumentActivatedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsDocumentAddedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsDocumentChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsDocumentClosedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsDocumentRemovedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsDocumentTitleChangedHandler
Public delegateDocumentsEnterUIModeHandler
Public delegateDocumentsLeaveUIModeHandler
Public delegateDocumentsWaitForUIModeHandler
Public delegateEngineHelpHandler
Public delegateEngineModuleStateChangeHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibrariesLibraryAddedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibrariesLibraryNameChangedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibrariesLibraryRemovedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibraryTemplateAddedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibraryTemplateFolderChangedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibraryTemplateNameChangedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibraryTemplatePageChangedHandler
Public delegateFormTemplateLibraryTemplateRemovedHandler
Public delegatePagesActivePageChangedHandler
Public delegatePagesImageChangedHandler
Public delegatePagesPageInsertedHandler
Public delegatePagesPageMovedHandler
Public delegatePagesPageRemovedHandler
Public delegatePagesPagesMovedHandler
Public delegatePagesPagesRemovedHandler
Public delegatePagesPagesReorderedHandler
Public delegatePagesPageStateChangedHandler
Public delegatePagesStatisticsChangedHandler
Public delegateRecognitionLanguagesLanguageChangedHandler
Public delegateScannerScanContinueHandler
Public delegateScannerScanFinishedHandler
Public delegateScannerScanInitFinishedHandler
Public delegateScannerScanProgressHandler
Public delegateScannersScanWizardFinishedHandler
Public delegateScannersSelectionChangedHandler
Public delegateScannersSettingsLoadedHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerEnterInteractiveModeHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerLeaveInteractiveModeHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerNewWorkflowObjectHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerWorkflowBeginHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerWorkflowEndHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerWorkflowInfoHandler
Public delegateWFHandlerWorkflowStateChangedHandler
Public delegateWFProgressProgressHandler
Public delegateWFProgressStepProgressHandler
Public delegateWFProgressStepStateChangedHandler
Public enumerationACTIVEDOCMODE
Active document mode.
Public enumerationANCHOR_REF_POINT
Reference point of the anchor.
Public enumerationANCHORCONTENT
Content of the anchor zone.
Public enumerationANCHORFLAG
Flags of anchor zones.
Public enumerationANCHORTYPE
Type of anchor zone.
Public enumerationAUSPOST_ENC
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationBAR_TYPE
Barcode types.
Basic character set types of languages.
Public enumerationCD_TYPE
Custom data types.
Public enumerationCELLBORDERSTYLE
Table cell border styles.
Public enumerationCELLMAPPING
Cell mapping values.
Deprecated. This functionality is no longer supported in CSDK19. It will be removed from the next version of the CSDK.
Public enumerationCHR_FILTER
Recognition filters.
Public enumerationCOMB_SPLITTER_HEIGHT
Comb attributes.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationCONTINENT
Continent ID.
Public enumerationCONV_FILEOPTIONS
Export file options.
Public enumerationCONV_FORMATLEVEL
Export formatting levels.
Public enumerationCONV_PAGERANGE
Export page ranges.
Public enumerationCONV_TIMESTAMP
Export timestamp options.
Public enumerationDCMatchDecision
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationDCNGRAMWEIGHTS
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationDCProjectType
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationDESPECKLE_METHOD
Despeckling types.
Public enumerationDIALOG_FOLDER
Startup paths for load and save dialogs.
Public enumerationDOCCLASSIFIER
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationDocFormatter_Mode
Document formatter methods.
Public enumerationDOCUMENT_PROPERTY
Documentum property types.
DTXT output formats.
Public enumerationERO_DIL_TYPE
Type of neighborhood used at erosion and dilatation.
Public enumerationFILEOBJECTTYPE
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationFILLAREA_FLAGS
Determining the area to be filled.
Public enumerationFILLINGMETHOD
Filling methods.
Public enumerationFindTextAction
Search text action flags.
Public enumerationFINDTEXTFLAG
Find text flags.
Public enumerationHELPCALLER
Public enumerationHELPCONTEXT
Public enumerationHELPTOPIC
Public enumerationHELPTYPE
Public enumerationHNR_STYLE
Writing style of HNR.
Public enumerationIMAGEINDEX
Index of each image type in the Page object.
Public enumerationIMF_FORMAT
The supported image formats.
Public enumerationIMF_IMAGEQUALITY
Image quality (for DTXT PDF output).
Public enumerationIMF_MRCLEVEL
MRC level (for DTXT PDF output).
PDF compatibility for saving PDF with DTXT_PDFIOT
Public enumerationIMF_PDFENCRYPTION
PDF files may be saved with different encryption types.
Public enumerationIMG_COMPRESSION
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationIMG_CONVERSION
Image conversion types.
Public enumerationIMG_DECOMP
Page parse method.
Public enumerationIMG_DESKEW
Image deskewing mode.
Public enumerationIMG_FLAGS
Image flags.
Public enumerationIMG_INVERT
Image inversion mode.
Public enumerationIMG_LINEORDER
Image line order.
Public enumerationIMG_PADDING
Image padding.
Public enumerationIMG_RESENH
Image resolution enhancement.
Public enumerationIMG_RGBORDER
Image color order.
Public enumerationIMG_ROTATE
Available image transformations (rotation and/or mirroring).
Public enumerationIMG_SCREENCAPTURE
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationIMG_STRETCHMODE
Image stretching mode.
Public enumerationITEMATTRIBUTE
User dictionary item types.
Public enumerationIWFTYPE
Workflow type enumerations.
Public enumerationJPG_ORIENTATION
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationJPG_RESOLUTION
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Generic constants.
Public enumerationKRECMODULES
Module identifiers.
Public enumerationLANGUAGES
Possible languages.
Public enumerationLINKTYPE
Every link which is not load, scan, load ODP, and save ODP or export; SharePoint, FTP, etc.
Public enumerationMODULESTATUS
Module status constants for ModuleInfo objects.
Public enumerationNEWPAGEPOS
Describes the position of a new page inserted into the document.
Public enumerationOMR_FRAME
Frame detection methods for RM_OMR.
Public enumerationOMR_SENSE
Mark sensitivity of RM_OMR.
Public enumerationPAGELAYOUT
Possible page layout values for workflow execution.
Public enumerationPAGESTATE
Describes page state during recognition process.
Public enumerationPDF_PROC_MODE
PDF processing mode.
Public enumerationPDF_REC_MODE
PDF recognition mode.
Public enumerationPREPROC_INFO_FLAGS
Flags for the structure PREPROCINFO.
Public enumerationPROCESSING_MODE
Processing Mode.
Public enumerationPROOFMODE
Controls whether proofreading is done along with editing or not.
Public enumerationPROPERTYCATEGORY
Describes specified property categories according to distinct groupings.
Public enumerationPROPERTYTYPE
Describes property types.
Public enumerationR2_HEADERS_RETENTION
HeadersFooters. You can set how headers and footers should be handled. You can set it for every converter, but the default value is different.
Public enumerationR2_PAGEBREAKS
PageBreaks. For several converters you can set how you want page breaks to be handled.
Public enumerationR2_PICTURES_BPP
Picture color. For several converters, you can set the color of the image.
Public enumerationR2_PICTURES_DPI
Pictures. For every converter you can set how you would like to handle images. The default values are different for the various converters.
Public enumerationR2_TABLES_RETENTION
Tables. For every converter, except the Excel and Html converters, you can set how you would like to handle tables.
Public enumerationRECERR
Describes possible error types.
Recognition modules.
Public enumerationREF_ANCHOR_MODE
Reference anchor mode.
Public enumerationRETAINCOLOR
Retain color.
Public enumerationRLSTYLE
Possible types of lines.
Public enumerationRM_FLAGS
Recognition modules supporting a language
Public enumerationRMTRADEOFF
Trade-off setting.
Public enumerationRSDAF
Application flags.
Public enumerationRSDAS
ADF/transparency adapter status.
Public enumerationRSDDX
Getting duplex scanning capabilities.
Public enumerationRSDII
Getting scanning mode capabilities.
Public enumerationRSDLC
Getting dropout color capabilities.
Public enumerationRSDOR
Getting orientation capabilities.
Public enumerationRSDPO
Orientation of paper.
Public enumerationRSDPP
Standard paper sizes.
Public enumerationRSDPS
Getting paper source capabilities.
Public enumerationRSDRS
Scanner resolutions.
Public enumerationRSDST
Starting modes of the scanner.
Public enumerationRSDWZ
Scanner Wizard flags.
Public enumerationRUNPAGE
Describes types of pages to be processed. See ImagePreprocess, LocateZones, SaveImages, ApplyFormTemplate.
Public enumerationSCCFG_LOC
Default directory location of the scanner configuration file.
Public enumerationSTSAPICONSTANTS
Flags of settings.
Public enumerationSTSTYPES
Type ID's of settings.
Public enumerationTColorQValues
Color quality. For the PDF converters you can set the color quality. The default is R2ID_PDFCOLORQUALITY_MIN for every PDF converter.
Public enumerationTMRCTypeValues
MRC use. For PDF converters you can set the MRC type. The default is: R2ID_PDFMRC_NO for every PDF converter.
Public enumerationTPDFCompatibTypeValues
Compatibility. For the PDF converters you can set this compatibility value.
Public enumerationTPDFOpenDisplayModeValues
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationTPDFOpenPGLayoutValues
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public enumerationTPDFSecurityValues
PDFSecurity type. For PDF converters you can set the security type.
Public enumerationTSignatureTypevalues
Signature type. For the PDF converters you can set the signature type. The default is: R2ID_SIGTYPENONE for every PDF converter.
Public enumerationTWriteIndex
Index Page. You can switch on the Index Page generation in simple or 'InFrame' mode using HTML output converters. If it is switched on, an index page is generated with links to the recognized and converted pages. In this case, you can change the text of the navigation links by changing NavNextText, NavPrevText or NavTOCText.
Public enumerationUDSAVESTYLE
User dictionary saving styles.
Public enumerationUISTEP_IVMODE
If the workflow gets into interactive mode (see OnEnterInteractiveMode), then it can be offset from the interactive mode programatically with the help of the UIStepIntervention method, but it must be stated how the workflow is to continue.
Public enumerationWFEXEC_STATE
Describes state of workflow execution.
Public enumerationWFORIGIN
The origin of WFHandler's current workflow, i.e. whether it was created by LoadWF or CreateWF.
Public enumerationWFPROCMODE
Description of workflow processing modes.
Public enumerationWFSEVERITY
Describes severity level types.
Public enumerationWFSTEP_TYPE
Describes workflow steps throughout the recognition process.
Public enumerationZONETYPE
Basic zone types.