Check installation

To check whether your CSDK installation was successful, you can perform some basic tests by means of the RecAPI Sample Viewer Application, see Sample viewer application.

This sample has additional information for you to check, for instance:

  • the version number of the CSDK you have just installed

You can safely ignore error messages displayed under Module Information in this window. The program only generates these messages for demonstration purposes.

  1. Launch the Sample Viewer, then run Sample 1.

    The module information test lets you check that all licensed modules are really available.

    The Output Window displays the results of initialization and Module Information. The initialization test confirms that installation and license activation were successful and also that the recognition engine is ready for use on your machine.

  2. If initialization fails, check that the required activation steps (in particular, running the NCLT) were performed properly, for more information, see the General Information online help.
  3. Check the additional information, for example the version number of the CSDK you have just installed.