View the properties of a job and case job

View the details of a case job such as the reference ID, owner, the resource who created the case job, the date the case job was created, progress in percentage. A list of activities appears along with the associated process/case, priority, and other details.

View the properties of a job on the Properties page. The Properties page displays the job details. To perform any action on the job, see Manage jobs.

Note All the job and case properties forms are available in TotalAgility forms category. You can reuse these forms to create new forms in TotalAgility. See TotalAgility help for more information.
  1. On the Jobs menu, click Find.

    The Jobs page appears, listing all live jobs.

  2. Click the job to view its properties.
    • If you select a normal job, the Properties page appears with a detailed view of the job. The Job ID, the resource who created the job, the name f the process on which the job is created, job creation time and more are displayed.

      On the Properties page, you can perform actions on the job. See Manage jobs for more information.

    • If you select a case job, an overview of case job and related activities appear. You can view pending activities for the case and associated fragments under two options.

      • Assigned to Me: Displays the activities only assigned to logged on user.

      • All: Displays activities assigned to individuals and groups that are a part of the case job. If you are not part of that group, you can only view all the activities but cannot take up any activity unless it is assigned to you.

  3. Click the activity name to complete the activity.
  4. To view and update item details, click the item. Click Refresh to see the changes. The following sections describe the job properties.


View the details such as subjob properties, process name, version, node, status of the job, and resource who created the job.

You can also view the business rule history for jobs created on a process with business rules for which business rule logging is enabled.

  1. To view the business rule history, click the business rule activity for which the logging status is enabled.
    The View Business Rule option appears.
  2. Click View Business Rule.
    The Job Properties page of the business rule is displayed.
  3. To view the parent job, click View Parent.


Lists the folders and capture documents associated with a job.

Note The child folders are also displayed.

  1. Click the link for the document or folder you want to view.

    The document is displayed in the right pane.


Displays a list of job variables and their current values.

  1. To modify the value of a variable, select the variable.
  2. Modify the value and click Update Value.


Displays a list of milestones associated with the selected job.

  1. To update the current target or actual date of a milestone, select the milestone from the Milestones list and click Update Target Date or Update Actual Date .
  2. Select the date using the calendar and click OK.

    Note If the target date of a milestone is updated manually and it has a relative milestone associated with it, the target date of the relative milestone is updated regardless of the Update Target Date setting in the Designer.

    If the actual date of a milestone is updated and it has a relative milestone associated with it, the target date of the relative milestone is only updated if the Update Target Date setting is set as On Completion at design time.


Displays the exception messages that are generated due to failure of any action performed on the job.

Additionally, displays the notes added to the selected job or case job. On this form, you can add a new note, and view and update an existing note.

  1. To add a note, click Add .
  2. On the Type list, select the note type.
  3. In the Note box, enter the text for the note.
  4. Click OK.
  5. To view a note, select the note and click View .
  6. To update a note, select the note and click Update .


Displays the details of the events raised for this job.

State history

Displays the history of state changes that occurred for the selected job.

  1. To change the state, click Change State .
    Note You cannot change the job state for subjobs.
  2. On the State list, select a state and click OK.


Displays a list of available roles. The members of the selected role appear in the Role Members list.

Note Use floating roles when you need to add or update the role membership on a task or job. Floating roles are job-specific and allocated on a per job basis at runtime. You can add and delete members for floating roles, however, you can only view members for fixed roles.

  1. To add a new member to a floating role, select the role and click Add.
  2. On the Resource list, select the resource.
  3. Click OK.
    The new member appears in the Role Members list.

View job

Displays the process map based on which the job is created.

Use this form to view and update the job status, job info, change the display orientation, add notes, zoom in and out the map and view an overview of the job. For more information, see Job viewer toolbar under Commonly used buttons and icons.

  • Set the job viewer to display content in the read-only mode in the imported Workspace site. Do so by setting the IsReadOnly property in the CaseDetailsViewProcess form to True.

  • When you view the job in a job viewer and select a flow line between the activities, the line is highlighted so that it is easier to identity the path between activities. This is helpful when there are multiple paths into or out of an activity.

Ad hoc task

You can create ad hoc tasks to your active jobs and case jobs. You can only add an ad hoc task to an active case job; you cannot add an ad hoc task to a job that is suspended, on hold, terminated or completed.

  1. To create an ad hoc task, enter a name and description for the new task.
  2. Specify a due date for completing the task.
  3. Set the priority level.
  4. Assign the task to an individual or a group. By default, the task is assigned to you.
  5. Click Add.
    Note Once you assign an ad hoc task to a resource, the task appears in the resource work queue with the description and due date. The resource can complete the task when required. Once an ad hoc task is complete, it is removed from the resource work queue. You can complete the main case job without completing ad hoc tasks. If the main case job is completed, any pending ad hoc tasks are automatically removed from the resource work queue.


When you take a manual capture activity at runtime such as, Scan, Validation, Verification and Document Review, the document or folder associated with the activity gets locked. The locked documents and folders for the activity (if any) are listed.

To unlock, select the document / folder and click Unlock .

Note When you complete the activity, the document / folder gets unlocked automatically.

Associated jobs

Displays any associated jobs for the selected case. Select a job and view its properties or create a new fragment or process.

  1. To create an associated job, click Create .
    Note When you complete the activity, the document / folder gets unlocked automatically.
  2. Select either Fragment or Process for Type.
  3. Select a category from the Category list.
    Note The category list is only displayed if you select the Process type.
  4. Select a process/fragment from the Process list.
    Note If there are any initial parameters for the selected process, it displays here.
  5. Click Create.

Linked cases

Displays a list of linked cases for the selected case job. Add a linked case to the selected job, and update or delete cases as required.

  1. To add a linked case, click Add .
  2. In the Case Reference box, enter the case reference id or click Search to select a case.
  3. In the Link Description box, enter a description for the linked case.
  4. Click OK. The selected job is automatically linked to the current case job.
    Note The linking is bidirectional; jobs are linked to each other and listed in the Linked Cases option for both.