View and reevaluate a score

From the TotalAgility Workspace, view the job score while looking at the job properties. Use this feature to change values directly within the job and re-evaluate the score.

  1. On the Jobs menu, click Find.
  2. Select the job that has a predictive model defined, and whose score you want to reevaluate.
    Note If a predictive model is not defined, the score is 0.
  3. To specify the jobs with score to reevaluate, do one of the following:
    • To reevaluate score for a single job, on the Actions column for the job, click Select and click Re-evaluate Score.

    • To reevaluate score for multiple jobs, select the check boxes for the jobs to reevaluate score, and on the Action bar, click Actions and click Re-evaluate Score.

    • To reevaluate score for all jobs, select the check box in the table header, and on the Action bar, click Actions and click Re-evaluate Score.

  4. To update the score value:
    1. Click the Variables tab.

      The list of variables used in the map appears.

    2. Update the variables used in the score.
    3. Click Update Value .

      The variables are updated.

    4. Click Properties.

      The Properties page appears.

    5. Click Re-evaluate Score .
    6. Click OK.