View the audit log entries

Audit Logs are useful for tracking information pertaining to and resulting from the execution of a business process or system function. This information helps you pinpoint and analyze the cause of a change, who made the change, and when the change was made. For example, view an audit log of completed activities.

You can view all audit logs or filter them by date range, audit log type, category and level.

Note You can display a maximum of 200 audit log entries at one time.
  1. On the Administration menu, click View Audit Log.
  2. In the From and To boxes, select the date and time range of audit entries to view.

    The default value for time is 00:00:00.

    Note By default, the time increments in 15 minute intervals, but you can provide a value as needed.

  3. On the Audit Log Type list, select the type of audit log, such as Logon/Logoff-logon.
  4. On the Category list, select a category, such as Resource Management.
  5. On the Level list, select a level of audit logs, such as Information.
  6. Click View Details.

    A list of audit log entries for the selected criteria, such as Date, Resource Name, Source IP appears.

    Note For Source IP:
    • When using an IPv4 address, local host resolves to the IP address, for IPv6 this resolves to IP address ::1.
    • The ability to log the remote IP address of the machine hosting the browser is highly dependent on environmental factors and may not always succeed. For example, some proxy servers and load balancers may remove the header. Hence there may be instances when the Source IP address is blank.