Document a process

You can generate a design document for a process map. The document details all the information input during design, such as resources, activities and associated parameters.

  • You can generate a design document for a particular version of a process map.

  • If you document a process that has a predictive model defined, the document includes the weighting and score calculation for the process.

  • If the Available Evaluate Score or Completed Evaluate Score are configured for the activity, the document includes the scores for the node.

  1. On the Administration menu, select Processes and click Document Process.
  2. On the Category list, select the category where your process is available.

    All the processes within the selected category appear in the Process list.

  3. On the Process list, select the process to document.
  4. On the Version list, select the version of the process for which to generate a design document.
  5. Click Document Process.

    The generated document opens in the browser.