Validation tab - Extended Synchronization Settings window

Use the Validation tab to modify the synchronization settings.

The following Validation Module settings are available:

Allow script debugging

Select this option to allow or disallow users to debug scripting for documents shown in Validation. By default, this option is cleared.

Allow batch editing

This option allows or disallows editing a batch. If this option is selected, batch editing features, such as splitting, merging and creating documents and folder structures, and moving of pages, documents and folders can be performed. Additional batch editing functions to delete pages, documents and folders, and to add and copy pages and documents can be selected separately.

Allow deleting pages, documents and folders

This option allows or disallows operators to delete pages, documents, and folders.

Note Even if you do not allow deleting documents and folders, an operator can delete a document or folder indirectly by moving the last page from a document, or the last document from a folder. You may disable this indirect deletion via script by implementing the Batch_BeforeMovePage event. For more details, see Scripting Help.
Allow adding pages and documents

This option allows or disallows adding pages and documents from a drive. Note that besides Kofax Transformation Modules volume licensing Kofax Capture licensing is required to perform these kind of batch editing operations. For more information about the required Kofax Capture licensing, see Kofax Capture documentation.

Allow copying pages and documents

This option allows or disallows copying pages and documents. Note that besides Kofax Transformation Modules volume licensing Kofax Capture licensing is required to perform these kind of batch editing operations. For more information about the required Kofax Capture licensing, see Kofax Capture documentation.

Note The Batch Edit mode also enables the drag-and-drop and multi-selection features in Validation.
Allow auto-foldering

This option allows or disallows auto-foldering on a batch. For more information see Project Builder Help - Set up Foldering.

Allow commenting with sticky notes

Select this option to enable the adding of sticky note comments to document page images so subsequent users can view the comments when processing the same batch. The other modules that support sticky note comments are Document Review, Verification, Thin Client Validation, and Thin Client Verification.