Test locators

Each type of locator has the ability to test its extraction configuration using a temporary document set that contains a handful of documents, or a proper testing document set that contains several documents for each class in the project. This means that you do not need to wait until you have assigned a locator result to a field before seeing the results of the locator. You can modify and refine a locator within its properties window until it behaves as needed.

To test a locator, select a document from the Documents window and with the locator Properties window open, click Test at the bottom of the window. The Test Results tab is automatically displayed and the results of the locator test are displayed in the Detected Alternatives pane. If you open a test document by double-clicking it in the Documents window, the document is displayed in the Document Viewer and the results are highlighted on the document.

You can easily test the locator settings on various documents by using the shortcut keys F11 and F12 to navigate to the next or previous document.

Each of the following locators has a Test Results tab that displays results when their Test button is pressed: