Check Locator amounts

By default, the Check Locator returns 4 amount values that are of interest.

  • CAR

  • LAR

  • CROSS*


You can map any of the CAR, LAR, or CROSS subfield values to a field. By default, the CAR and LAR values are cross-referenced to produce the CROSS value. The CROSS value may have a higher confidence than the CAR value if the cross-reference with the LAR value matches. If the LAR value is not extracted for some reason, the CAR value is used for the CROSS field. This means that the CROSS field usually has the most appropriate amount result. For the best results, use the CROSS value when mapping the amount to a field.

The CAR_LAR_MISMATCH value is not used to populate an extraction field. Instead, this field is used for testing purposes only, and indicates when the CAR and LAR values do not match. When this field has a value of "Mismatch Test Score", the CROSS confidence value is lowered based on the severity of the mismatch. A minor extraction error lowers the confidence level slightly, but a complete mismatch lowers the confidence level even more.

*If you select the Enable advanced accuracy setting, the CAR and LAR values are extracted only and no cross-validation is performed. This means that there are no extraction results for the CROSS or CAR_LAR_MISMATCH values. In this situation, map the CAR value to your amount field.