Troubleshoot Windows authentication

To troubleshoot the Active Directory sessions, try to log in to the application (for example, to the Insight View) once you have set up the Windows authentication in Insight and then execute the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the Insight log folder, usually located at C:\Temp\Insight_X.X.X.
  2. Open WcfDataService.log.
  3. Search for WCFDataService.Code.InsightService.LoginProvider.
  4. Scroll to the Active Directory properties list.
  5. Verify that you have specified the property to be returned and that the list is separated.
  6. (optional) If the list is separated by commas, verify that Include is specified in the Fixed Mapping for the role, especially for memberOf: because it is returned as a comma-delimited string.

    givenName: John distinguishedName: CN=John

    Doe,OU=Users,OU=US05,OU=US,OU=Countries,DC=MyCompany,DC=com instanceType: 4

    whenCreated: 5/7/2014 8:52:59 PM

    whenChanged: 1/25/2016 8:37:08 PM

    displayName:John Doe

    otherTelephone: 2154446666

    uSNCreated: System.__ComObject

    memberOf: MyCompany.MyDept, CRMReportingGroup, CRMReportingGroupDev, MyDeptarement_US,

    MyDept_Media, All MyDept, Products_users, ProjectServer, ProjectManagers, VPN


    uSNChanged: System.__ComObject

    co: United States

    department: MyDept -Products

    company: MyCompany Inc.


    countryCode: 840

    employeeID: 5648

    homeDirectory: \\us05401\users$\John.Doe

    homeDrive: U:

    badPasswordTime: System.__ComObject

    lastLogoff: System.__ComObject

    lastLogon: System.__ComObject

    pwdLastSet: System.__ComObject

    primaryGroupID: 513

    objectSid: System.Byte[]accountExpires: System.__ComObject

    logonCount: 1368

    sAMAccountName: John.Doe