Import or export Admin Console settings with command prompt

You can import or export all Admin Console settings, such as authentication type, users, user role settings, and user filters separately from the project. You can also import or export using a command prompt.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, open the directory: C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.X.X\ImportExport.
  3. Open Help to list all available commands:

    Altosoft.Insight.Import.exe -h
    Altosoft.Insight.Export.exe -h

  4. Execute the following commands.
    • Export the Admin Console settings:

      Altosoft.Insight.Export.exe -Admin -path="C:\Temp\ImportExports\FILENAME.xml" 
      -login=Administrator -pwd=1234

      Change the path and file name.

    • Import the Admin Console settings:

      Altosoft.Insight.Import.exe -Admin -path="C:\Temp\ImportExports\FILENAME.xml"
      -login=Administrator -pwd=1234

      Change the path and file name.