Import solution using command prompt

Use this option to import a solution from Kofax Analytics for Capture, Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility, or other Kofax Analytics product. A solution contains a project file (ZIP file) from Insight Studio and the Admin Console settings (XML file) packed into a single ZIP file.
  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Navigate to the ImportExport directory: C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.X.X\ImportExport.
  3. Open Help to list all available commands:

    Altosoft.Insight.Import.exe -h

  4. Choose one of the following options and execute the respective command:
    • Import the bundle to a new project to be created during import execution:

      Altosoft.Insight.Import.exe -projectName="TestBundle1" 
      -bundlePath="C:\temp\ImportExports\" -metaConnection="Data Source=<server name>;
      Initial Catalog= TestBundle1_meta; User Id=<User ID>;Password=<password>;" 
      -metaProvider="sql" -metaDbType="MS SQL Server" -dataConnection="Data Source=<server name>;
      Initial Catalog= TestBundle1_data; User Id=<user ID>;Password=<password>;" 
      -dataProvider="sql" -dataDbType="MS SQL Server"

      Change the file name and path and also specify data and meta database names, along with the server name and associated connection strings.

    • Import the solution to an existing project (already created in Insight, see Create a new project ):

      Altosoft.Insight.Import.exe -projectName="TestBundle" 

      Change the file name and path for the bundle.

  5. After the import is complete, check your project data in Admin Console or Studio.