
REPORTER 5-2: This setting is found in the [ModuleName::REPORTERDataCollectionPlugin] section of Eilocal.ini.

REPORTER 5-3 and later: This setting is found in ReporterPlugin.ini.


Specifies what to do when the limit specified by MessageLimit is exceeded.

Note The messages that REPORTER displays in various situations related to saving messages on the workstation can be edited.

The messages that REPORTER displays in various situations related to saving messages on the workstation can be edited.

Valid values

  • 0 – Verify: Display a warning("The number of saved files exceeds the specified limit. Please stop the current job and contact your system administrator." Strings saved in String_Sfel and String_Stcj.).
 Manager: Display a different warning("The number of saved files exceeds the specified limit. If you are running a production module, the current job will stop. Contact your system administrator." Strings saved in String_Sfel and String_Tcjws.).
 Other modules: Display the same warning as Manager, and also stop the current job.
  • 1 – Verify: Same as above.
 All other modules: Close application if it is just being started. If the reason the limit was checked was that an invoice was processed, the job is stopped but the application is not closed down. This prevents data from being destroyed.
  • 2 – Ignore and continue.
  • Default value: 0