Field type names in different languages

Field type names are always in English. However, the default field profile names that represent them in the ReadSoft Invoices GUI are translated. For example, German field profiles are in German, Swedish field profiles in Swedish, and so on (regardless of what language your ReadSoft Invoices installation is in).

The most commonly used field types are listed here, with the translations of their default field type names in some other languages. This list is not complete.

Field type in Eiglobalextra.ini Danish country profile French profile German profile Spanish profile Swedish profile U.K. profile U.S. profile
InvoiceCredit Faktura/Kredit Facture/Avoir Rechnungstyp Factura/Abono Faktura/Kredit Debit/Credit Debit/Credit
InvoiceNumber Fakturanummer NumeroFacture RechnungsNummer Fact_Num Fakturanummer InvoiceNumber InvoiceNumber
InvoiceDate Fakturadato DateFacture RechnungsDatum Fecha_Fact Fakturadatum InvoiceDate InvoiceDate
InvoiceDueDate Betalingsdato DateDecheance (1) (1) Förfallodatum DueDate DueDate
InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount Nettobeløb TotalHT Netto Base_Imp Nettobelopp NetValue NetAmount
InvoiceTotalVatRatePercent MomsSats TVA MwStSatz Tipo_Iva Momssats VATRate TaxRate
InvoiceTotalVATAmount Momsbeløb TotalTVA MwSt Import_Iva Momsbelopp VATValue TaxAmount
InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount Totalbeløb TotalTTC GesamtBetrag Total_Fact Bruttobelopp GrossValue TotalAmount
InvoiceCurrency Valuta Monnaie Währung Moneda Valuta Currency Currency
InvoiceOrderNumber Ordernummer NuméroDeCommande BestellNummer Pedido_Num Ordernummer OrderNumber PONumber
SupplierAccountNumber1 KontoNummer (1) KontoNr1 (1) Postgiro AccountNumber AccountNumber

(1) These fields are not used in the default country profile.