
These settings are used in the [Endorser] section in Eiglobal.ini:

XPos and YPos Specifies the X and Y positions, in pixels, for automatic endorsing. The Y position begins from the left side of the page, whereas the Y position begins at the top. These settings might not work with scanners that have fixed endorser heads.

Font=1 and YPos=2800 prints the endorser string at the bottom of an A4 paper.

Rotate 0 = The endorser string is printed from left to right.

90 = The endorser string is printed vertically going upwards.

180 = The endorser string is printed upside-down and backwards.

270 = The endorser string is printed vertically going downwards.

Font The height of the characters to be printed.

Valid values: 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Width The maximum number of printed characters (1 to 10).
Zeros Specifies whether the endorser string is to be padded with zeros.

0 = No padding

1 = Pad with zeros

EndorserIndexLength Specifies the length of the endorser index. This is necessary for some scanners that only accept certain lengths.

Valid values: Any integer compatible with the scanner.

0 = Disabled (default)