
Available starting with Collector 6.5.

Use to specify the path to the Arial Unicode MS font when the font is not available on the computer by default.

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While processing non-English invoices that are in other languages such as Chinese or Latin, the Arial Unicode MS font is used to display the non-English characters in the invoice. When this font is not available on the computer, these non-English characters are displayed as boxes in Verify and Optimize modules. In such a scenario, you can manually copy the Arial Unicode MS font file to the computer and provide the location to this font file in Collector.ini.

To use the copied font file, enable the UseArialUnicodeMSFont flag and provide the location to the font file in the ArialUnicodeMSFontFilePath flag in Collector.ini

Valid values

  • Blank/empty = no file location is mentioned.
  • C:\Font\ArialUnicodeMS = file location mentioned.