[FieldColors] section

Use this section in Eiglobal.ini to define which fields are to be displayed with the same color in ReadSoft Invoices’ Verify module.

Use this format: GroupName = FieldName1,FieldName2

Fields that are not listed in any groups use the default color specified by Regular in the [GroupFieldColors] section.

You must also:

Which invoices do the settings apply to?

Color coding defined in Eiglobal.ini is default for all invoice profiles. If you want different colors in different country profiles, specify the color coding settings in Eiglobalextra.ini to override the color coding settings in Eiglobal.ini. Use exactly the same settings as you would have used in Eiglobal.ini.

Example of [FieldColors] section

This example shows the default settings after installation. You can change these or add your own.


For general or introductory information about using color-coded fields in Verify, see "Color-coded fields in Verify" in ReadSoft Invoices help.