Add a Single Robot

The wizard for adding a single robot contains one to four steps, depending on the robot you select. The wizard follows the flow outlined in this topic. The four rectangles correspond to the four possible steps.

Robot wizard workflow

  1. Select a robot in the Robot list of the Select Robot step.
  2. If all snippets and types used by the robot are already uploaded, and the robot does not have any input variables, you can click Finish; otherwise click Next.

    If the selected robot uses any snippets that have not been uploaded to the Management Console repository, you must upload them now.

  3. In the Upload missing snippets window, browse to the missing snippet and click Upload. You can also specify a folder in the Select folder list.

    If the selected robot uses any types which have not been uploaded to the Management Console repository, you must upload them now.

  4. In the Upload missing types window, browse to the missing type and click Upload. You can also specify a folder in the Select folder list.

    The configure input for your robot window appears.

  5. Configure the robot input used when it runs as part of this schedule.

    Configure input for robot

  6. If an attribute is of a binary type, you can use the drop down list to select a resource that is already uploaded, or click Upload to upload one.

    If an attribute is required, it is underlined with red.

  7. Complete all required fields and click Finish.