Trigger Mappings

This tab shows robots with triggers and trigger mappings. Triggers are a part of Attended Automation functionality in the Device Automation workflow. Kapow supports user and label mappings for robots. User mapping is only available for robots with triggers.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by applying filters in the Filter text box. See Filtering for more information.

The tab is divided into two panes: Users and Labels. Users pane shows robots with assigned user mapping. Labels pane shows robots with assigned labels. You can only assign user mappings to robots with triggers. The following information is displayed for each mapping.



Robot name

Name of the robot.


Available trigger names.

Project name

Name of the Kapow project.

User name

Name of the user the robot is mapped to.


Label name the robot is mapped to.


Click to modify mapping settings in the wizard.


Click to delete the mapping from the Management Console.

Work with trigger mappings
  • To create a new mapping, click New trigger-user mapping or New trigger-label mapping on the Trigger Mappings tab and follow the steps of the wizard to create a new mapping.

  • To modify mapping settings in the wizard, either right-click a robot and select Edit or click in the Edit column.

  • To delete the mapping, either right-click a robot and select Delete or click in the Delete column.

  • To disable triggers in robots, select one or more robots with triggers, right-click the selected robots, and click Suspend triggers.

  • To enable triggers in robots, select one or more robots with suspended triggers, right-click the selected robots, and click Activate triggers.