Shared Projects View

The Shared Projects view is located in the lefthand pane of the Design Studio main window under the My Projects view. You can rearrange the views by dragging them to different locations.

The Shared Projects view shows an expanding/collapsing tree structure representing the robot projects for the Management Consoles that you are connected to. If any projects in the Shared Projects view are shared with the Design Studio on your computer, both project views will contain those projects. Depending on the status of the files in the shared project, downloaded, updated, and deleted files have a different appearance. You can synchronize your local project with the Management Console project using different strategies. The following table shows project files with different statuses. The Shared Projects view also provides tips and explain synchronization problems.

Icon Description Meaning

Shared project not downloaded to local

Dimmed robot icon and name

An object in a shared project exists on the connected Management Console, but has not been downloaded to your Design Studio.

Shared project with no changes

Normal icon and object name

An object in a shared project is in sync with remote Management Console.

Striked out object name

Normal icon with object name crossed out

The object is deleted in the project on your computer.

Normal icon with name in bold

Normal icon with name in bold

The file has been changed locally and needs to be synchronized.

Icon with a plus sign and name in bold

Icon with a plus sign and name in bold

A new file in your local project is not yet uploaded to the Management Console.

Object icon has a yellow sign with an exclamation mark

Conflict exists between your local copy and remote project. For example, the object was deleted on a remote Management Console. When synchronizing, select how to resolve the conflict.