Variables in Device Automation

The Device Automation workflow can take input from a website robot and use the same variable types with some additions.

  • You can use a complex variable and its attributes as input to Device Automation workflow.

  • You can use all complex types from your project except variables that contain Date, Currency, Country, and Language fields to create Record variables in Device Automation workflow. Record variables are variables created within the Device Automation workflow.

  • You can assign Record variables to each other.

  • You can assign attributes of Record variables to values with the same type or to another attributes or simple variables with the same type.

    Note All the shortcut menus in the Automation Device view that use variables let you choose a field from Record type variables.

    For example, the Enter Text Step can get its value from fields of complex variables and if the type of the selected variable is not text, a conversion function is inserted to convert the value to text. Variables and fields of types that cannot be converted to text do not appear in the list.

    For the extract step you can also extract to fields of complex variables, but the type of the field must match the type of the extracted data, such as text or binary (for images). Only variables of the correct type appear on the menu.

  • Date type variables from a website robot cannot be used as input in the Device Automation step.

  • Local variables can be created and used only in Group Steps. If you want your step to use a local variable, include the step into the group with the local variable.
  • Password type variables in Device Automation can transfer their value from and to a password type variable created in a website robot. You cannot manually assign a value of the password type variable in the Device Automation workflow.

The following is a list of variable types available by default with their initial values.

  • Binary: Empty
  • Boolean: false
  • Integer: 0
  • Number: 0.0
  • Password: Empty
  • Text: ""