
The Dashboard contains portlets which display the status of various areas of your system. When you first access the dashboard it will contain four portlets; add additional portlets to the dashboard by selecting them from the list, and pressing the Add button.

Add portlets

If you have a large screen, you may benefit from selecting to display the portlets in 3 columns rather than 2. Each portlet contains a toolbar with four buttons.

The first button minimizes the portlet, the second refreshes the portlets data, the third displays info about the portlet, the fourth closes the portlet (it may be added again). Whenever you add, remove, or rearrange any of the portlets on the dashboard, the layout is stored in a cookie inside your browser so that the next time you visit the dashboard, your previous layout is restored.

To get more information, point to the datapoint on a graph. You can see the time and value of the datapoint as well as the name of the series, such as the RoboServer name.

The dashboard contains the following portlets:

Most Errors, by Robot - last 100 runs

The graph shows the 100 latest runs for the 10 robots with the most errors (relative to extracted values). You can click a point on the graph, and the Management Console will switch to the log view, and display the information for this particular run. Notice that the Y-axis is logarithmic. For this graph to work you must enable database logging on at least one cluster.

Summary, last 24 hours

Displays a summary for each project in the Management Console. Use this view to see the 20 most recent executions of each schedule. The health bar gives a quick overview of the status of each project and schedule. Each color on the health bar denotes the status of the schedule execution:


Indicates that at least one schedule error occurred. A schedule error is any non-robot error that occurred during the execution of the robot.


Indicates that at least one of the robots that executed in this schedule gave an error (and that there were no schedule errors).


Indicates that the schedule was ignored because it was already executing.


Schedule executed successfully; no schedule errors or robot errors.

The size of each color on the health bar is relative to the number or schedule runs with the given status.

RoboServer memory usage

Displays the memory usage over time (last 55 hours) for each RoboServer listed on the Clusters Tab

RoboServer CPU usage

Displays the CPU usage of the RoboServer process. If you have multiple RoboServers, there will be a graph for each one.

RoboServer KCU usage

Displays the KCU usage of each of the RoboServers.

RoboServer Wait Time

The time a RoboServer has waited for KCU to become available. If there is any wait time, the performance of you robots can be increased by acquiring a license with more KCUs.

Total bytes loaded

Displays the total bytes loaded (last 55 hours) for each RoboServer listed on the Clusters tab. The graph resets at midnight.

Total executed robots

Displays the number of executed robots (last 55 hours) on each RoboServer listed on the Clusters tab. The graph resets at midnight.

Concurrent robots

Displays the number of concurrent robots for each RoboServer listed on the Clusters tab. The graph resets at midnight.

Total HTTP requests

Displays the total number of HTTP requests loaded by each RoboServer listed on the Clusters tab. The graph resets at midnight.

Records in Log Database

Displays the number of records for "Robot run," "Robot message," "Schedule run," and "Schedule message" in the log database (make sure to configure the log database in Admin > Settings tab. See Logs for more details).

Records in Analytics Database

Displays the number of records for all RoboServers.

Note The availability of the Analytics functionality depends on the license.