Menu Bar

The menu bar is located at the top of the Design Studio window.

The available menus and included items are based on the type of file that is open in the Editor view. The following menus are always available even if no file is open (some items may be disabled):

  • The File menu includes items for manipulating files, robots, projects, and so on.
  • The Tools menu lets you perform tasks related to the type of the file, such as generation of database table (for types), or deployment of robots to the Management Console (for robots).
  • The Settings menu includes items for changing default settings and defining proxy servers or database connections.
  • The Window menu includes items to change the layout of the user interface, such as Reset Layout and Save Layout.
  • The Help menu includes links to the online reference help, documentation, and technical support information.

As soon as you open a file, such as a Web Automation robot, the Edit, View, Debug menus are to the available menus:

  • The Edit menu offers a range of edit actions that you can perform on the opened file. The available actions depend on the type of the file, but it always contains the Undo and Redo actions.
  • The View menu lets you perform actions on the view or open additional views that are not open by default.

  • The Debug menu contains actions related to the debugger.

If you open a Web Automation robot file, change the mode to Debug to see the Breakpoints menu. The Breakpoints menu contains actions related to the breakpoints in the debugger, such as adding and removing breakpoints.

Most menu items become available when you click "Prepare Execution" to allow execution for a Web Automation robot. By clicking this action, you put the robot into execution mode, which enables you to execute it while editing. You can execute action steps right after you insert them in the robot workflow and immediately see the result. When a Web Automation robot is not prepared for execution, you can still perform some basic editing, such as add action steps and change their properties, configure variables, but you will not be able to see the result of step execution and to obtain and use data from websites that you interact with to design the robot. Also, a Web Automation robot cannot have the privilege to execute in both Design and Debug mode at the same time.