Extract Screenshot

This step must be used in the Default (WebKit) browser.

This action extracts the whole page, or a part of it, as an image and saves it to a variable.

The tag finder specifies which area to extract. Use the tag path * to extract the whole page.


The Extract Screenshot action can be configured using the following properties:


Padding for the extraction are as follows. Note that positive values make the area larger, negative values make it smaller. The value can be specified in several ways using the Value Selector.

Left (px)

Extra left margin (in pixels). May be negative.

Top (px)

Extra top margin (in pixels). May be negative.

Right (px)

Extra right margin (in pixels). May be negative.

Bottom (px)

Extra bottom margin (in pixels). May be negative.


The variable to assign the value to. It must may an image or binary variable.

Image Format

The format of the image. The possible values are PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF.

Load Images

Loads all images on page, if not already performed by the Load Page step (or similar).

Timeout (ms)

Timeout (in milliseconds) to use when loading images.