Remove Spaces

This data converter removes spaces from the input text. Notice that non-breakable spaces (occur as   in the HTML) are treated as spaces.


The Remove Spaces data converter can be configured using the following properties.

Remove All Spaces

Removes all spaces from the input text.

Remove Start and End Spaces

Trims the text so that there are no spaces at its start and end.

Replace Multiple Spaces with Single Spaces

Replaces all occurrences of multiple spaces within the input text with single spaces.


Type in a description to be shown in the list of data converters. If there is no type in a description, one will be generated.


If the input text is:

    "   hello   world    "

and Replace Multiple Spaces with Single Spaces is selected, then the output text becomes:

    " hello world "

With Remove Start and End Spaces selected, the output text becomes:

    "hello   world"

With both Replace Multiple Spaces with Single Spaces and Remove Start and End Spaces selected, the output text becomes:

    "hello world"

And with Remove All Spaces selected, the output text becomes:
