Password encryption in INVOICES


These settings determine whether the password in Eiglobal.ini is encrypted.

UseEncryptedPassword 0 = Do not encrypt passwords.

1 = Encrypt passwords (default).

EncryptedPassword 0 = The password has not been encrypted yet. If UseEncryptedPassword=1, EncryptedPassword automatically changes to 1 after a ReadSoft Invoices module is opened for the first time.

1 = The password is encrypted. (The value in the Password setting is encrypted.)

Upgrading from Invoices 5-4 or earlier: These settings do not appear in the old Eiglobal.ini file, which means that the password is not encrypted. If you keep this file when upgrading to Invoices 5-5 and later, the default values for the above two settings are 0, not 1.

To enable encryption in an INI file that was created prior to Invoices 5-4 SP1, add the following settings to the [Database] section:


INVOICES encrypts the password the first time a module is started and sets EncryptedPassword to 1 to indicate that the value in the Password setting has been encrypted.