

This setting specifies the path and file name of msgsequence.ini, where the sequence numbers of XML messages sent to the Reporter server from the workstation are stored.

Reporter 5-2 details

This setting is found in the [Directory] section of Eilocal.ini.

By default, msgsequence.ini is located in the Reporter\ComputerName subdirectory of the location specified by GlobalPath. The default is C:\Users\Public\ReadSoft\INVOICES\Reporter\Test\msgsequence.ini.

You can change the location and file name by changing the MsgSequenceFilePath setting.

The latest sequence number is stored in SequenceNo in [ModuleName::REPORTERDataCollectionPlugin] for REPORTER during an upgrade.

Reporter 5-3 and later

This setting is found in ReporterPlugin.ini.

By default, msgsequence.ini is located in the Reporter\ComputerName subdirectory of the location specified by GlobalPath.

The default would be C:\Users\Public\ReadSoft\INVOICES\Reporter\Test\msgsequence.ini.

You can change the location and file name by changing the MsgSequenceFilePath setting.