
Only these settings are used in the [ScannerDefs] section in Eiglobal.ini:


These settings specify the scanners available in the scanner list and their properties. Just above these settings there is some commented information which is only to be edited by ReadSoft personnel. Note the format and syntax! Test the changes and make sure that all scanners appear in the list and can in fact be used.

This is what is added to eiglobal.ini in case the section gets overwritten:


;  --------------- Scanner Definitions ----------------------

; Max number of scanners: 240


; Format : ScannerId=ScanNo, Name, MaxWidth, MaxLength, Resolutions, PhotoMode, DualSide,

;                BrightSteps, ContrastSteps, BrightDefault, ContrastDefault,

;                CardType, ScannerMF, Option


;      int ScannerType : Scanner ID,  0 - 42

;      char  Name[24] : Scanner name, 23 chars

;      int MaxWidth : Maximum width ( pixels ) in the highest resolution

;      int MaxLength : Maximum length, as above

;      WORD Resolutions : Possible resolutions (binary number), 1=200, 2=240, 4=300

;      int PhotoMode : 0=False, 1 = True

;      int DualSide : 0=False, 1 = True

;      int BrightSteps :=100 ( % )

;      int ContrastSteps :=100  ( % )

;      int   BrightDefault : 0-100

;      int   ContrastDefault : 0-100

;      short CardType : Types of scanner card possible (binary number): 1=Xionics, 2=Kofax, 4=ImSys, 8=SCSI

;      short ScannerMF : 0=None, 1=Bell&Howell, 2=Fujitsu, 3=Kodak, 4=Avision, 5=Canon, 6=Ricoh, 7=TDC, 8=Panasonic,

;                         9=GenericSCSI, 10=New KODAK (1500,2500,35xx..)

;      char  Option[24] : Option string, max 23 chars. States driver routine for Pixel/SCSI scanners or kofax id number

;                         for the scanner. Contact ReadSoft for these numbers.

;       int BatchStop : The scanner is: 0 = Not able to stop between batches, 1 = Able to stop between batches


Related topic: Your scanner's BatchStop value