

The default fields used to identify buyers are Name1, Name2, NameSupplement1, NameSupplement2, and VATRegistrationNumber. If necessary, you can add other fields to this list to improve buyer identification. You should only use this setting when you know that the field(s) you add uniquely identify a buyer.

Tip Be careful if you use fields that have numerical values. Even though they may identify buyers, these values may also be found in other fields in invoices for other buyers. For example, the POBox value may be unique for each buyer, but these values may also be found in amount fields. A buyer may have the PO Box "20", but "20" may also appear as amounts or quantities on other invoices. In this case, the value for POBox cannot be considered as being unique for invoices for different buyers.
Note When the program finds more than one match based on any of the name fields above, it uses the PObox, Street, StreetSupplement, PostalCode, and City fields to determine the correct buyer. You can use these fields in BuyerExtraIdentifierFields when they uniquely identify a buyer.

Valid values

Any buyer field can be used, except Name1, Name2, NameSupplement1, NameSupplement2, and VATRegistrationNumber (these are included by default). You can use more than one value, separated by a comma:

  • buyernumber
  • corporategroupid
  • description
  • pobox
  • street
  • streetsupplement
  • postalcode
  • city
  • countrycoded
  • countryname
  • telephonenumber
  • faxnumber
  • blocked