

When importing master data, some fields must contain a value (see the XML master data structures to see which fields are mandatory). If you import data that contains an empty value for one or more mandatory fields, the entire import is canceled and no data is imported into Invoices.

However, you can avoid canceling the entire import by setting MasterDataCleanEnabled to 1 (on). You must then specify which fields are to be ignored if they contain no value. Use the MasterDataCleanSuppliersColumns, MasterDataCleanSupplierBanksColumns, and MasterDataCleanBuyersColumns settings to do this. If one of the specified fields has no value during a master data import:

  • The Supplier/ SupplierBank/Buyer is not imported.
  • An entry is created in the log file.
  • The master data import proceeds.


You want to import master data. Some entries have no values for the following fields:

  • SupplierNumber for both Supplier and SupplierBank.
  • CorporateGroupID for Buyer.

You do not want a few missing pieces of information preventing the other entries from being imported. So you specify the following entries in Eiglobal.ini, in the [Options] section:





Now, when you import your master data, entries with no values for these fields are not imported, but the rest are.

Valid values

  • 0 (off – default)
  • 1 (on)