Modify Date

This data converter modifies a date by adding or subtracting from a selected part of the date.

If the addition/subtraction causes the selected part of the date to overflow or underflow, the other parts of the date will be updated accordingly.

The input text must be a date in the standard date format, e.g. "2001-02-25 14:32:49.0".


The Get Time Between Dates data converter is configured using the following properties:


The amount to add or subtract from the date. The amount is specified using a Value Selector. The value must be an integer.

Part of Input Date to Modify

Select which part of the date to add or subtract from.


Choose if the amount should be added or subtracted.

Time Zone

The time zone of the input date.


Type in a description to be shown in the list of data converters. If there is no type in a description, one will be generated.


If the input to the converter is "2008-02-28 10:45:00.0" and two days should be added, the result will be "2008-03-01 10:45:00.0". Notice how the month was updated and the leap day in 2008 was taken into consideration.