
This pane lists available Password entries and helps you create new and edit existing entries.

Create New Password Entry
To create a new Password entry, click New Password Entry and fill in the following fields:
  • User Name: Type in a user name to access the specified target system.
  • Target System: Provide a description of the system to access.
    Note When you insert the Lookup Password step, the step's Target System property value must match the Target System value of the Password entry.
  • Password: Type in a password to access the target system.
  • Re-type: Re-type the password.

The Edit window of the password entry contains the same fields as the New Password Entry window.

Move Project
Password Store access is project-based. You can see password entries assigned to projects that you have access to. Management Console Administrator can move password entries between projects for project administrators to manage password entries and grant access to target systems. To move a password entry from one project to another, click Move Project Move password entry to another project and specify the target project in the Move window. The Merge entries option in the Move window helps you merge entries with identical user names and target systems.