Determine the Step Action

The simplest way to submit a form is to fill in the form using the appropriate actions. For more complex submissions, you can loop through a form to get the desired result.

Consider the book search example form.

  • To search for books in all available languages and for all reader ages, the site may not allow such a general search. You can loop through the languages and reader ages, making a form submission for each combination of language and age. To do this, use the Loop Form actions:

    • Loop Field Values

    • For Each Option

    • For Each Radio Button

  • The Loop Form actions does not submit the form, so this must be done separately in a subsequent Click action that clicks one of the submit buttons of the form.

  • To loop over a combination of field values, place several steps with Loop Form actions after each other prior to the Click action that submits the form.

  • To create a URL that represents a submission of the form, use the Extract URL action on the form's submit button.