Check endorsements

The endorsement is on the back side of a check.

Extraction of items on the back side of a check is limited to the following countries:

United States

In order to get the best endorsement extraction results, ensure the following:

  1. The scanned image of the check must be horizontal with the endorsement signature on the right-side of the check.

    This means that the endorsement signature may appear sideways on the scanned image.

  2. Clear the Enable automatic rotation for values in the Project Settings > General tab - Project Settings window.

  3. Thoroughly test the endorsement extraction on as many checks as possible.


For checks from France no data is extracted from the back side of their checks. However, if the Enable usability detection for fields setting is enabled, the extraction results indicate if an endorsement is present on the back side of the check. It is then possible to use a script to further process the back side of the check with other locator methods or scripted steps.


For checks from India, the account number is written on the back of a check. In order to get the best extraction results, ensure the following:

  1. The scanned image of the check must be horizontal with the account number printed upright.

  2. Thoroughly test the endorsement extraction on as many checks as possible.