Invoice object (COM)

Examples Properties Methods Events

Validation tutorial

Appendices property

BankAccountRows property

BracodeSeperator property

Batch property

Buyer property

BuyerID property

DocumentInfo property

ElapsedFocusTime property

EndorserString property

Fields property

GUID property

IdentifierField property

InvoiceDefinition property

InvoiceProfile property

InvoiceType property (Invoice object)

InvoiceTypeOverride property

LineItemRows property

Pages property

ProcessMessages property

ScanTime property

Status property

SupplierDescription property

SupplierName property

SupplierNumber property

Type property

UserDefinedVariables property

UserRemark property

VATRows property

XMLTransferOutput property

AddAPIProcessMessage method

AddToQueue (COM API)

ExportToMultiTiff method

GetClassicObject method

RemoveFromQueue (COM API)

This object represents an invoice.

Together, the Invoice object's Pages and Appendices properties give you all the pages in an invoice:

  • Pages gives you all identified pages
  • Appendices gives you all unidentified pages

Both of these properties give you the same object, namely the InvoicePages collection, which contains the InvoicePage object.

When a job is running, the CurrentInvoice property returns the active Invoice object at the current application state.

A field's Invoice property returns the invoice object that it belongs to.

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