Calling conventions

Event handlers are called and executed on this order:

  1. ReadSoft Invoices extensions in the order they are loaded, which is the same as the order in which they are numbered in Eilocal.ini. That is, Plugin1 is loaded first, then Plugin2, etc.If two or more extensions subscribe to the same event, then the event handlers are called in reverse order. All extensions run their code for a certain event, even if some return EV_OK_ABORT.Related setting in Eiglobal.ini: LogicalEventOrder. For more information, refer Eiglobal.ini: Overview > [Options] > LogicalEventOrder topic in ReadSoft Invoices INI Help.
  2. VBA event handlers (code written in the VBA editor using the Manager module) or DLL event handlers.
  3. Event servers.

Related topics

CancelEventChain method

Event order