DebugLevel property

Applies to
  • Application object
  • ApplicationEx object
  • InterpretApp object
  • ManagerApp object
  • OptimizerApp object

  • ScanApp object

  • TransferApp object

  • VerifyApp object

This property returns the runtime debug level setting.

You can use this property to toggle debug notifications in a plug-in at runtime without having to uncomment or comment the code. This setting in Eilocal.ini sets the value of the debug level:

DebugLevel=<0, 1, ...>

The default value 0 (zero) means no debugging, which is the default value returned if no configuration was done in the INI file.


object.DebugLevel [= value]

Part Description
object An expression that evaluates to an object in the above objects list.
Value A long value.