Segment property

This property applies to configuration object API.

This property returns the ConfigurationSegment object based on the name of the segment/section of a ReadSoft Invoices INI file. It is normally used in combination with the KeyValue property to set or return values of INI file settings.

If you directly apply the KeyValue property to the Configuration(eiLocalMachineScope) object, ReadSoft Invoices assumes the value of Segment (in Eilocal.ini) to be [ModuleName:: PluginName], where ModuleName and PluginName are the actual names of the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices module and plug-in, respectively. For more information, refer to the


object.Segment(sSegmentKey As String) [= value]

Part Description
object An expression that evaluates to an object in the configuration object.
sSegmentKey The name of a section in an INI file, such as Events in Eilocal.ini.
value An object of ConfigurationSegment type.