JobDocumentRetrieve event

This event is fired in Interpret when Data source extension is selected as the source in the job description.

You provide ReadSoft Invoices with one or two files for interpretation. The files can be:

  • Image files. Supply two image files if the invoice is two-sided.
  • XML files. Supply only one XML file at a time.

The interpretation result is returned in the JobDocumentComplete event.

The JobDocumentError event is also available, if you set the AllowErrorHandlerEventHook setting in Eilocal.ini.

If you want the image files to be moved after identification, subscribe to the JobDocumentComplete event and change the desired paths of the images file on each invoice page using the COM API.

Use the Result parameter to control the further flow of the Interpret module. See below.


Public Function JobDocumentRetrieve(ByRef srcPathToFrontPage As String, ByRef srcPathToBackPage As String, ByRef notUsed1 As String, ByRef notUsed2 As String, ByRef Type As Integer, ByRef Result As Long) As Long



The full path to the front page file.


The full path to the back page file.


Obsolete starting in Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5-5 SP4.


Obsolete starting in Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5-5 SP4.


This value is always 0.


Tells Kofax ReadSoft Invoices what to do next:0Process the supplied image file(s) in the DocPath1 and DocPath2 parameters.1Process the XML file in the DocPath1 parameter.-1No more files to process.

Active objects

Interpret Application or Interpret App

Invoice (OLE) or Invoice (COM API)


Job (OLE) or Job (COM API)


Return values


Normal return.


No effect - treated the same as EV_OK.


Causes an error message and job termination

Suggested usage

Used by data source extensions, for example ReadSoft EMAIL and ReadSoft Collector. (

Note ReadSoft EMAIL is not supported with Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.6.