JobDocumentComplete event

This event is fired at least once for every document collected in JobDocumentRetrieve. ReadSoft Invoices puts the result from the interpretation/import in Status and the result from the identification in Identification.


Public Function JobDocumentComplete(Status As Long, Identification As Long) As Long



0 - The document was recognized. This parameter has no significance in ReadSoft Invoices. (It is left over from FORMS implementation.)


2 - Invoice identified. 10 - Invoice Unidentified.

Active objects

Interpret Application or Interpret App


Invoice (OLE) or Invoice (COM API)

Job (OLE) or Job (COM API)


Return values


Normal return.


No effect - treated the same as evtOK.


Causes an error message and job termination

Suggested usage

Used when Data source extension is selected as the source in the job description. Depending on the Identification value, decide what to do next - for example send another document to Interpret, end the job, or move the image files.


You can use this event to move the image file(s) associated with the invoice after interpretation. The sample VB6 code below shows how to alter the search paths for the image files of the current invoice.

Public Function OnJobDocumentComplete(typeCode As Integer, idNum As Integer) As Long

Dim obInvoice As Invoice

Set obInvoice = m_App.CurrentInvoice

Dim obPage As InvoicePage

Set obPage = obInvoice.Pages(1)

' TODO: Move the file in the file system

obPage.ImageFileName(eiFrontPage) = "\\imgserv1\INVOICES\Processed\Page01.tif"

OnJobDocumentComplete = EHICOM.evtOK

End Function


Used by ReadSoft EMAIL and ReadSoft Collector. (

Note ReadSoft EMAIL is not supported with Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.6.