LineItemRows property

This property applies to Invoice object.

This property returns the LineItemRows collection from page number iPageNum.

Note In Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.5 and later, there is normally only one line item collection per invoice, and you access it through page 1, i.e. Invoice.LineItemRows(1). You can use Field.LineItemPageNum to find out what page the line item cell is on.

Setting UseGeometricLineItemMatching to 1 in Eiglobalextra.ini gives you the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.4 type of line item matching in Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.5 and Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.6. For more information, refer Eiglobalextra.ini > [Interpret] section in ReadSoft Invoices INI Help. That results in the old behavior in the API, as well, namely one line item collection per page. You will also get one line item collection per page if there are "many" pages on the invoice—by default 10 pages. It is possible to change this limit by specifying LargeTableLimit in Eiglobal.ini. For more information, refer Eiglobal.ini > [Options] section in ReadSoft Invoices INI Help.

Background: In Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.4, there was a line item collection on each page. This design could not handle line items where a line item's rows spanned two pages (for example if the beginning of a line item was on page 1 and the rest was on page 2). For Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.5 and later, the line item matching was improved to handle line items with multiple rows in a better way. This implied that there could only be one line item collection per invoice. You still access the collection through page 1 for the sake of backwards compatibility.


object.LineItemRows(iPageNum As Long) [= value]

Part Description Invoice object
object An expression that evaluates to an .
iPageNum The number of the page that contains the table you want to return.
value A LineItemRows collection .

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