Hello World tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates the basics of creating a ReadSoft Invoices plug-in using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. In this tutorial you will:

  • Create a DLL that subscribes to a ReadSoft Invoices event.
  • Connect the plug-in to ReadSoft Invoices via Eilocal.ini

Creating an ActiveX DLL project

  1. Create a new ActiveX DLL project using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

  2. Rename the project to "HelloWorld" and rename the default class module to "clsServer". You will use these names later when you add the plug-in to Eilocal.ini.

  3. Add a reference to the ReadSoft Invoices type library.

The class code

The Hello World plug-in has three main functions:

  • Connect: Connects to a ReadSoft Invoices module and subscribes to the AppStarted event in the Manager module.
  • OnAppStarted: Handles the AppStarted event that is subscribed to in the Connect function.
  • Disconnect: Releases memory allocated by the plug-in

  1. Copy and paste the code below into the clsServer module.

    Option Explicit
    Option Compare Text
    ' Declare a reference to the Application object
    Private objEHApplication As EHICOM.Application
    Public Function Connect(objEHIApp As Object, sIniFile As String, sIniSection As String) As Long
        ' Set the application object for future reference
        Set objEHApplication = objEHIApp
        ' If it is the Manager module...
        If objEHApplication.ModuleType = eiManager Then
            ' Subscribe to the AppStarted event
            objEHApplication.Subscribe Me, "AppStarted", "OnAppStarted"
        End If
        ' Return evtOK
        Connect = evtOK
    End Function
    Public Function Disconnect(objEHIApp As Object) As Long
        ' Release memory
        Set objEHApplication = Nothing
        ' Return evtOK
        Disconnect = evtOK
    End Function
    Public Function OnAppStarted() As Long
        ' Display a message box.
        MsgBox "Hello World!"
        ' Return evtOK
        OnAppStarted = evtOK
    End Function

  2. Save the project.
  3. Build the DLL and copy it to ReadSoft Invoices's Bin folder.

Adding the plug-in to Eilocal.ini

In order to use the plug-in, it must be specified in Eilocal.ini. The sample below shows a typical Manager plug-in section with the HelloWorld plug-in highlighted.








Name=Common Dialogs





Name=Manager Dialogs









After you save Eilocal.ini, you can run Manager to see the result. The "Hello World!" message appears just after Manager starts.

Note Microsoft Visual Basic automatically registers DLLs when you make them from the File menu. If you want to use a plug-in on another computer, you must register the DLL on that computer.

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