KeyValue property

This property sets or returns values of settings from ReadSoft Invoices INI files. It is normally applied to the ConfigurationSegment object, and is used together with the Segment property from the Configuration object.

If you directly apply the KeyValue property to the Configuration(eiLocalMachineScope) object, ReadSoft Invoices assumes the value of Segment (in Eilocal.ini) to be [ModuleName::PluginName], where ModuleName and PluginName are the actual names of the ReadSoft Invoices module and plug-in, respectively.


object.KeyValue(sKey As String) [= value]

Part Description
object An expression that evaluates to an object in Configuration object and ConfigurationSegment object.
sKey The name of the INI file setting that you want to retrieve the value of/set the value for.
value A string value for the specified setting.

This assigns the value of the Server setting in the [Database] section of Eiglobal.ini to the sServerName variable.