Setting an ActiveX object as ReadSoft Invoices's event server

To register an external event server, you must define an event handler for an event occurring before invoice processing starts - usually either AppStart or JobStarted - which creates an external event server object, connects to it, and then tells ReadSoft Invoices to use the object for servicing events.

In the following example, the connection between ReadSoft Invoices and the server object is accomplished by the call to the Connect() method. The name Connect can be anything you like, but it must establish a link between the server object and the application object.

Function OnJobStarted ( ) As Long

Dim EvServObj As EventServer.Root

Set EvServObj = CreateObject("EventServer.Root")

Call EvServObj.Connect(Application) 'Application is the application object

Call Application.SetEventServerObject(EvServObj)

OnJobStarted = EV_OK 'Return value to Kofax ReadSoft Invoices

End Function

Related topics

Use an external event server object

Create the ActiveX event server object

ActiveX object registration in Windows