Improve bar code recognition

The FineReader MinRatioToTextHeightBarcode property defines the minimum height for a bar code in relation to the average letter height on a document. Defining this property is helpful when detecting small bar codes.

The default value for this setting is 0.5, but if this is not sufficient, you can modify this value.

The MinRatioToTextHeightBarcode property is exposed in CscBarcodeLocator and the range for this property is between 0.1 and 2.0.

If the value set in script is outside of this range, the value is limited. Values below 0.1 are changed to 0.1 and values above 2.0 are lowered to 2.0. If the value is set to -1, this means that FineReader uses automatic mode to detect bar codes.

In order to configure this property, add an additional reference for the Bar Code Locator to the script sheet you are using. You can set this property in the Before_Extract event as shown in the following example.

' Class script: MyClassName
Private Sub Document_BeforeExtract(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)
   Dim oClass As CscClass
   Dim oLocDef As CscLocatorDef
   Dim oBarcodeLocator As CscBarcodeLocator

   Set oClass = Project.ClassByName("MyClassName")
   Set oLocDef = oClass.Locators.ItemByName("MyBarcodeLocator")
   Set oBarcodeLocator = oLocDef.LocatorMethod

   oBarcodeLocator.MinRatioToTextHeightBarcode = 0.1
End Sub