Field events

The following field script events are available:

  • AfterComboboxItemSelected - This event is fired after a user selected an item from the value list of a field's combo box.

  • AfterFieldChanged - This script event is fired when the user changes a field's value.

  • AfterFieldConfirmed * - This script event is fired when the user confirmed a single field with Enter.

  • AfterViewerLassoDrawn - This event is fired when the user draws a rectangle on the viewer.

  • BeforeComboBoxDropDown * - This event enables you to dynamically fill the list of the combo box.

  • BeforeFieldGetFocus - This event is fired before the focus is placed into a field.

  • InitializeComboBox * - This event is fired when a field is defined as a combo box that is filled by script.

  • FieldGotFocus - This script event is fired when the focus was placed into a field.

* events are available for Thin Client Validation