ButtonDialogClosed event

This event executes after the lookup window is closed, and the results from the lookup are populated into the form fields. Since this button type is not available for the folder validation pane this event only occurs for the validation form.

    ByVal ButtonName As String, _
    ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)

Name of the button control that is clicked and that's lookup window is closed.


XDocument object that is currently loaded.

For example, in many cases, the results of the lookup require additional validation, even if they come straight from a database, which is contains the correct data. Using this script event, you can configure the script to override the incorrect flag on the fields populated from the lookup. This reduces the amount of time taken to ensure all fields are valid.

Note This event is executed even if a user presses Cancel. In order to ensure that this does not cause problems, you should include a test statement to determine whether any fields were modified. If no field values were modified, then the Cancel button was likely pressed rather than the OK button.